Monday, April 20, 2009


Since this is our last post of the semester, I thought it would be appropriate to make some predictions of what HEALTH CARE in the U.S. might look like 10 years from now (based on current trends of course).

1. Government health care will push private health insurance companies to bankruptcy (they will probably be bailed out though) ha ha.

2. More Americans will have access to health care and will no longer have to choose between food or medicine.

3. Taxes to pay for gov't health care will increase

4. Quality of gov't health care will decline over time (cutbacks) as Washington feels pressure to lower taxes.

5. We will see nightly reports on the news talking about how we can continue to fund gov't led healthcare.

6. Hospitals and health care workers will become frustrated by "big brother" dictating how they give care.

7. Drug companies will be forced to lower the cost of their Rx medications (although, being this is a 500 billion dollar industry, it's hard to see them taking it in the shorts).

8. People will get tired of gov't supervision, and the pendulum will start to swing back the other way.

If I were really taking a Nostradamus approach, I would have had to disguise my predictions in the form of a riddle and or symbol. But, thankfully, today we still have (some) freedom of speech.

I know my predictions sound different from my once optimistic view of gov't led health care. Over the course of the semester and about 75 news articles later, I find myself seeing that any extreme change to health care will have a profound effect. I now believe that balance is the key to most things in social policy. Also, broad, sweeping federal policies don't always work that well for everyone.

Thank you all for your wonderful posts.
Please, feel free to make your own predictions on my blog.
(Someone could still be Edward Cayce or Hal Lindsay).

Monday, April 13, 2009

The End is Near

The end of private health insurance that is.
Many critics of the new government led public health insurance plan, believe it is the kiss of death for private health insurance companies.

The Wall Street Journal explains in detail just why this is so.

So, what do you think. Can private insurance companies compete in a "free market" with public (government run) programs?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What the?!

There have been some shocking developments out of Iowa.
Don't worry, the cows and corn are fine.

Iowa has approved Gay Marriage.
This is a great article from the AP explaining how it all went down.

That makes 3 states, Mass, Conn, & Iowa. Next, possibly, is Vermont.

Personally, I am surprised to see this happen in Iowa.
Rural Midwest is typically conservative and ultra religious.
Is there a change happening?
Are people becoming more accepting of alternative lifestyles?

I would like to think some good will come of this.
Mike Alvear writes some interesting commentary on the upside of Gay Marriage in this article.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Smoking for S-CHIP ?

Marci inspired me to post a funny clip.

So, here is one on how government is paying for S-CHIP (State children's health insurance program) w/ taxes from Cigs.

At least some good comes from people smoking.
I mean, not all smokers want to quit, so they might as well help out with children's supplemental health care.

Monday, March 23, 2009

People are Dying

Of course, the only certainties in life are Death and Taxes.
Unfortunately, we are seeing a lot of these are two things these days.

As I am sure, health insurance issues have touched many of you in some way or another.
Be it from unaffordability, a sick family member or friend, or just the hassle of trying to obtain it, health insurance companies have been a royal pain in the butt.

People in Iowa have "had it" too. This is a great news story.

The news story talks about how health insurance companies need to make themselves more accessible and affordable or just do away with them and turn to a Universal health care system.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Insurance Company Extreem Makeover???

Insurance companies are not dumb. They haven't survived and thrived this long by accident. Yes, the new Obama regime is planning a major overhaul of the insurance business. Possibly, a health insurance that has much much more government influence.
Therefore, insurance companies are beginning a massive makeover to adapt with the changes.

This is a great story that explains the change.
"If the overhaul that President Barack Obama has promised goes against them, insurers could find themselves trying to compete against a new government-run health plan offering cut-rate premiums to middle-class families".

So, what do you think of the insurance industries' makeover?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tell Em!

In the past week, there has been a qualitative research theme to most of my classes.
So, this week, I have set up my blog in the spirit of qualitative research.

If you would like to voice your concerns, Tell Em to Good Morning America

Also, feel free to voice your accounts or stories from other whom you have spoken with, on my blog.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with an undergrad student who said that he & his wife are in college and have no health insurance. They also have a child who is uninsured. He said, "We are just taking our chances right now, insurance is way too expensive".