Monday, February 23, 2009


Reuters reports that Obama plans to hold a health care summit next week.........and with good reason.

There is a "Perfect Storm" if you will, of problems affecting our health care system.

For instance:
Today's DJIA closed at it's lowest since 1997.
People are seeing their retirement vanish quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.
Health insurance premiums are rising at almost double the rate of inflation (see recent story).
Thousand of people are losing their jobs every day and people lucky enough to have a job are seeing their companies cancel their retirement plans.

I believe we are living in one of the most pivotal times in American History (possibly in all of recorded history).
It seems that we stand on the razors edge, waiting for our fates to be decided by the flick of a pen.

What do we do?
My biased opinion is:
In these and almost all situations, a good proactive approach seems suitable.
Maybe, we all need to focus on our own health.
Eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, etc.
Preventative measures could limit our Dr visits, increase our energy/vitality, and make us more productive at work and with our families.

I would be very interested in reading your thoughts as well.


  1. Amen! Let's control the things we can control, as you stated, and do our best to influence change for the better. I'm a conservative, but I think health insurance is not working as it should. Healthy people are being denied and the cost is exorbitant. I would favor a hybrid system. I recently talked to someone about their experience in England-she spent 18 months there. She didn't like the health care their; she said the waiting list was very long unless it was to go to the emergency room. Dentists are a rarity there, she said, and hospitals are not kept up to date. She said private hospitals are popping up there for the rich who can afford them.

  2. The real question is will health care get the attention it needs? With the economy, housing market, and ongoing wars this tends to get pushed under the rug. The longer Obama waits before trying to address it the more difficult I think it will be for him.
